Sunday, 10 February 2013

Job Vacancies at Obafemi Awolowo University

Obafemi Awolowo University is a
government-owned and -operated
Nigerian university. The university is in the
ancient city of Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria.
The university was founded in 1962 as the
University of Ife by the regional
government of Western Nigeria.
Applications are hereby invited from
suitably qualified candidates to fill the
following academic positions below:
Positions (Areas of Specialization)
1.) Faculty of Technology
Department of Food Science and
Lecturer II; CONUASS 03 (Food Science
and Technology, Food Engineering,
Chemical Engineering, Agricultural
Assistant Lecturer; CONUASS 02 (Food
Chemistry or Food Microbiology)
Lecturer II:
should possess a B.Sc. degree
in Food Science and Technology or Food
Engineering with a minimum of Second
Class (Lower Division), M.Sc in Food Science
and Technology/Food Engineering/
Chemical Engineering/Agricultural
Engineering and Ph.D in Food Science &
Technology, Food Engineering/Chemical
Engineering/ Agricultural Engineering.
Candidates who have only M.Sc can also
apply provided they have registered for
Ph.D and have a minimum of three
published articles in reputable journals.
Teaching experience in a University or a
comparable institution is also required.
Evidence of registration with a professional
body, particularly COREN is required if
applying for Food Engineering.
Assistant Lecturer: should possess a B.Sc.
Degree in Food Science and Technology
with a minimum of Second Class (Lower
Division), M.Sc. in Food Science and
Technology with specialization in Food
Chemistry or Food Microbiology. Evidence of
registration with a professional body is
Department of Metallurgy and Materials
Lecturer II/I -
CONUASS 03/04 (Materials
Lecturer II/I:
should possess a B.Sc degree
in Materials Engineering with a minimum of
Second Class (Lower Division), M.Sc in
Materials Engineering and Ph.D. degree in
Materials Engineering plus at least seven (7)
years of teaching and research experience
with a bias towards materials for clean
energy application. Candidate must possess
adequate number of technical publications
in relevant and reputable international and
local journals. COREN Registration and
Computer literacy is mandatory.
2.) Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Assistant Lecturer - CONUASS 02
Graduate Assistant - CONUASS 01
Assistant Lecturer:
should possess a first
degree with a minimum of a Second Class
(Upper Division) in Sociology/Anthropology
and M.Sc. Degree in Sociology and
Anthropology with a Ph.D grade from a
reputable University.
Graduate Assistant: should possess a first
degree with a minimum of a Second Class
(Upper Division) in Sociology/Anthropology
of Obafemi Awolowo University or any
other recognized university.
Faculty of Law
Department of Business Law
Professor - CONUASS 07 (Business Law)
must possess a Doctor of
Philosophy (PhD) in Law, preferably in the
area of Business Law, should have at least
15 years of teaching and research
experience in the University. He should be
either a Professor of another accredited
University in the field of Business Law; a
reader or an Associate Professor of three
years experience in teaching Business Law
Course(s); or a Senior Lecturer of six years
experience in teaching of Business law
Course(s), and a proven evidence of
productive scholarship and substantial
publications in Learned Journals and other
reputable sources.
3.) Faculty of Arts
Department of Foreign Languages
Assistant Lecturer - CONUASS 02
(Language and Linguistics)
Assistant Lecturer: must possess M. A. in
French (Language and Linguistics) from
Obafemi Awolowo University or any other
University. The candidate should be
conversant with multimedia equipment in
Department of History
Lecturer II/I - CONUASS 03/04
Lecturer II/I: must have a Ph.D. degree in
History from a recognized institution, have
cognate teaching experience at the tertiary
level and must show evidence of academic
productivity through publications in
reputable peer reviewed journals in the
4.) Faculty of Administration
Professor - CONUASS 07 (International
Professor - must possess B.Sc., M.Sc., and
Ph.D. Degrees in Political Science or
International Relations from a recognized
university or universities, must be willing
and ready to teach a wide range of courses
in International Relations. He/She must
have also been widely published in
mainstream Political Science/International
Relations journals locally and abroad. In
addition, the candidate must show
evidence of teaching and research
experience in the university system for at
least fifteen (15) years and must have been
a Reader/Associate Professor for not less
than three years. The candidate must be
able to provide academic and
administrative leadership. He/She must also
be able to initiate and implement research
projects and be able to attract Grants/
Fellowships to the Department.
5.) Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences
Department of Medical Biochemistry
Assistant Lecturer - CONUASS 02
Assistant Lecturer - should possess M.Sc.
degree in Biochemistry (with minimum of
60% Average in Coursework) and a good
B.Sc. degree in Biochemistry (at least
Second Class (Upper Division) obtained
from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife
or any other reputable institution.
Department of Medical Pharmacology
and Therapeutics Positions
Lecturer II - CONUASS 03
Lecturer II - should possess Bachelor’s
Degree in Medicine and Surgery (M.B.CH.B or
its equivalent); Dental Surgery (B.Ch.D or its
equivalent) plus a Master of Science (M.Sc.)
degree in Pharmacology. A candidate
currently registered for Ph.D degree
programme will have an added advantage.
Method of Application; Applicants for
Academic and other Senior Staff positions
are required to submit 35 copies of
applications and up-to-date curriculum
vitae giving the following information in
order as listed below:
(i) Full Name (Surname first in capital
(ii) Post Applied for
(iii) Date and place of birth (attach birth
certificate/sworn affidavit).
(iv) Nationality.
(v) State of Origin, Senatorial District and
Local Government Area (if a Nigerian)
(vi) Permanent Home Address.
(vii) Current Postal Address/including G.S.M.
Telephone number.
(viii) Marital Status.
(ix) Number of Children and their Ages.
(x) Institutions attended with dates.
(xi) Academic/Professional qualifications
and distinctions obtained with dates
(attach copies credentials).
(xii) Work Experience with dates.
(xiii) Present Employment, Status and Salary
(if any).
(xiv) Research interests and activities
(xv) Conference/courses attended (state
titles of papers presented if any).
(xvi) Professional accomplishment.
(xvii) Publications with date.
(xvii) Service to national and international
(xix) Extra Curricular Activities.
(xx) Any physical challenge?
(xxi) Names and address of three (3)
referees who must have been closely
associated with candidate's academic/
work experience.
NOTE: (xiv) (xvii) are for candidates
applying for lectureship positions only.
Candidates applying for any of the
positions are advised to request their
referees to forward confidential reports on
them directly to the Registrar. The reports
should be duly marked "CONFIDENTIAL".
Applications and curriculum vitae of all
interested candidates are to be forwarded
The Registrar,
Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ile-Ife, Osun State
"for the attention of Director of Personnel
Candidates are also required to forward by
e-mail, a soft copy of their application and
curriculum vitae as an attachment,
addressed to:
Only the applications of candidates short-
listed will be acknowledged.
Application Deadline; 19th March, 2013

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