Sunday, 10 February 2013

Architect/Civil Engineering Jobs at THSIP

TSHIP (Targeted States High Impact
Projects) is a five-year program focused on
the improvement of Health Systems and the
Management of Health Systems for higher
quality Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health,
Family Planning, and Reproductive
Health service delivery in Nigeria. TSHIP is
funded by the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) and
implemented by a group of foreign and
local non-governmental organizations
consisting of John Snow Research &
Institute, Inc. (JSI), Center for Development
& Population Activities (CEDPA), Futures
Group International LLC, JHPIEGO, and
Management Strategies for Africa (MSA).
The Targeted States High Impact Project
(TSHIP) Nigeria announces the following
Job Title: Civil Engineer/Architect
Location: Bauchi, Sokoto
The consultant will work closely with
Finance and Admin Specialist in the two
states to provide all required services that
would ensure attainment of the overall
objective as outlined below:
•Support in checking and certifying the
percentage of work completed to be of the
specified quality in the BOQs before
payment to contractors
•Any other duty as may be requested by
•Give Professional Advice on proposed
areas of renovations/improvement
•To ensure materials and the work being
done are of the quality specified in the
•Carry out periodic monitoring site visit to
assess level of work and report same of all
facilities under renovation/improvement.
•Final submission/hand over certification
report for job completion.
•Filled time sheet before any payment is
•Monthly full report of work done
•Periodic field visit report of the
accomplishment against each bullet tick
•Lesson learned and recommendations
•Copy of Sketch and or drawing
Interested candidates should send
application, suitability statements and
recent curriculum vitae before the closing
date to:
JSI is an equal opportunity employer. Please
visit our web site for
more details on the organization.
Application Deadline: Wednesday 20th
February 2013

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