Saturday, 8 December 2012


1. Immunization specialist, NOC
Location: Enugu, Bauchi, Lagos, Kaduna
Vacancy number: VN-NGR-29-2012
Provide in country leadership on health
policies, including advocacy in gender
equality, emergency preparedness and
response with a particular focus on
material, neonatal and child survival
Plan active role in border health sector
discussions such as sector wide
approaches, poverty reduction strategies
Advocate for and leverage resources for
scaling up and replication of effective
material, neonatal and child survival
Provide technical leadership in †?? health
sector components of UNDAF and other UN
harmonization processes
Contribute to †?? institutionalization of
state and LGA health programme review of
ensure effectiveness, scalability and
sustainability of immunization services
Strengthen equity based approaches and
service delivery models to address †?? issue
of unimmunized children and missed
Support †?? development, implementation
and financing of detailed sectorial work
plans and budget for scaling up of
maternal, neonatal and child survival
Collaborate with programme
communication officer to ensure
development of effective communication
strategies to support community based
approaches and social mobilization efforts
Conduct field visits to monitor programme
and conduct periodic programme reviews
with Government counterparts and other
partners with particular emphasis on
underserved populations
Document and disseminate lessons learned
of scaling up maternal, neonatal and child
survival interventions
Lead, timely, regular data driven situational
Provide technical and operational guidance
and support to government and non-
government partners
Collaborate with monitoring and evaluation
officer to timely, efficiently, rigorously and
transparently monitor, evaluate and report
on health program effectiveness and
Ensure programme, sectorial and inter
sectorial efficiency and delivery through a
rigorous and transparent approach to
Participate in major evaluation exercises,
programme reviews and annual sector
review meetings with government and
other counterpart
Support †?? preparation of †?? annual
health sector status reports
Submit transparent and timely reporting to
donors and other partners
Ensure corrective action is undertaken to
address bottlenecks identified during
evaluation exercises
Master’s degree in medicine, public health,
pediatrics health, international health,
health policy and management,
environmental health sciences, family
health, epidemiology or related field to
international development assistance in
5 years relevant professional work
experience. Field work in immunization,
experience in facilitating technical support
in health related emergency and
humanitarian preparedness
Fluent in English and second UN working
language. A good knowledge of local
working language
2. Programme officer – polio
communication NOA, Abuja
Vacancy number: VN-NGR-28-2012
Provide professional assistance in data
collection and analysis in close link with †??
data manager and M&E specialist, complete
accurate reporting and particularly for
donors and partners
Safeguard financial resources entrusted to
†?? polio communication team by advising
on and/or managing financial assets,
financial planning and cash management
Responsible for †?? overall monitoring of
financial performance of †?? polio
communications budget, monitor allocation
and expenditure trends, generate, prepare
and share with members of †?? polio team
financial progress reports
Monitor donor reports schedule, key
financial information and data for
programmatic activities to increase public
understanding of UNICEF work in †??
country specifically responding to requests
from polio donors, UNICEF national
committee and other stakeholders
Ensure that all administrative transactions
and agreements of contracts are in
compliance with †?? applicable policies,
procedures, rules and regulation
Assist in monitoring and implementation of
activities through field visits particularly to
†?? zonal offices to resolve any budget
related issues at field level
Degree in social sciences, business
administration, accountancy, public
administration, government or other
related field
2 years relevant professional post degree
work experience or field work experience
in programming and budgeting
Good analytical, communication and
negotiating skills
Computer literate
Fluent in English with knowledge of local
language of †?? duty station is an asset
Send cover letter one page summary
statement that describes how your
experience and qualification relate to †??
job description and scanned/PDF copy of
†?? completed and signed UN personal
history form latest 13th December to:

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